Search by property

This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Text"Text" is a predefined property that represents text of arbitrary length and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>." with value "A person that is not employed by the company hosting this LIMS.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • motorised road vehicle  + (A motorised road vehicle is a road vehicle that has a traction motor.)
  • motorised vehicle  + (A motorised vehicle is a vehicle that has a traction motor.)
  • municipal waste fuel  + (A municipal waste fuel is waste fuel produced by households or non-industrial commercial activities.)
  • nationally determined contribution  + (A nationally determined contribution (NDC) is a target description of future greenhouse gas emission reductions prepared, communicated and maintained by a party to the Paris Agreement.)
  • natural gas turbine  + (A natural gas turbine is a gas turbine fueled with natural gas.)
  • net capacity factor  + (A net capacity factor is a utilisation value that is calculated by dividing the net electricity generation over a given time step by the declared net capacity times the length of this time step.)
  • A new person  + (A new person)
  • electronvolt  + (A non-SI unit of energy (eV) defined as the energy acquired by a single unbound electron when it passes through an electrostatic potential difference of one volt. An electronvolt is equal to 1.602 176 53(14) x 10^-19 J.)
  • non-ferrous metal  + (A non-ferrous metal is a metal that does not contain a significant amount of iron in its chemical composition. It is the physical output of an industrial process and has a commodity role.)
  • non-metallic mineral  + (A non-metallic mineral is a mineral that does not contain any metallic content within themselves. It is the physical output of an industrial process and has a commodity role.)
  • non-methane volatile organic compound  + (A non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) is a volatile organic compound other than methane.)
  • non-scattered radiant flux density  + (A non-scattered radiant flux density is an areal solar power density that measures the direct solar radiation within the extent of the solar disk only (half-angle 0.266 deg).)
  • non-sustainable biofuel  + (A non-sustainable biofuel is a biofuel that does not conform to sustainability criteria.)
  • nuclear energy carrier disposition  + (A nuclear energy carrier is an energy carrier used in nuclear power stations to produce heat for steam turbines. Heat is created when the nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.)
  • nuclear fuel  + (A nuclear fuel is a fuel that realises its fuel role in processes that release energy in the form of heat or work by undergoing nuclear fission.)
  • nuclear power plant  + (A nuclear power plant is a power plant that has nuclear power units as parts.)
  • nuclear power unit  + (A nuclear power unit is a power generating unit using nuclear fuel.)
  • oil power plant  + (A oil power plant is a power plant that has oil power units as parts.)
  • passenger  + (A passenger is an agent who travels in a vehicle.)
  • passenger port  + (A passenger port is a port for the exchange of passengers.)
  • passenger ship  + (A passenger ship is a ship that is used for passenger transport.)
  • passenger train  + (A passenger train is a train that is used for passenger transport.)
  • passenger train station  + (A passenger train station is a train station for the exchange of passengers.)
  • passenger transport  + (A passenger transport is a transport process in which people are moved in a vehicle from one place to another.)
  • person  + (A person is a human being.)
  • External person  + (A person that is not employed by the company hosting this LIMS.)
  • User  + (A person who has a user ID.)
  • personal living space  + (A personal living space is a space requirement that one person uses for living.)
  • phase transition  + (A phase transition is a transformation of a medium from a solid, liquid, or gas state to a different state.)
  • photon  + (A photon is a material entity that is a light particle.)
  • photovoltaic cell  + (A photovoltaic cell (PV cell) is a generator that converts solar energy into electrical energy.)
  • photovoltaic power plant  + (A photovoltaic power plant is a solar power plant that has PV panels as parts.)
  • physical method  + (A physical method is a method to calculate primary energy consumption that quantifies renewable and nuclear energies by attributing an efficiency value each.)
  • algorithm  + (A plan specification which describes the iA plan specification which describes the inputs and output of mathematical functions as well as workflow of execution for achieving an predefined objective. Algorithms are realized usually by means of implementation as computer programs for execution by automata.mputer programs for execution by automata.)
  • degree  + (A plane angle unit which is equal to 1/360 of a full rotation or 1.7453310^[-2] rad.)
  • radian  + (A plane angle unit which is equal to the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle, approximately 57 degrees 17 minutes and 44.6 seconds.)
  • planned outage  + (A planned outage is an outage during which an artificial object is being maintained.)
  • plate heat exchanger  + (A plate heat exchanger is a heat exchanger that uses a plate for a heat transfer process.)
  • plug-in hybrid electric car  + (A plug-in hybrid electric car is a car that can switch between an electric traction motor and an internal combustion engine for propulsion and thus is also a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.)
  • plug-in hybrid electric vehicle  + (A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) iA plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a vehicle that contains both an electric traction motor and an internal combustion engine and can switch between their usage for propulsion. It contains a traction battery that can be charged with electrical energy from an external supply.electrical energy from an external supply.)
  • HasDate  + (A point in time)
  • policy instrument  + (A policy instrument is a plan specification of an organisation (e.g. a government) that promotes transformative measures.)
  • policy  + (A policy is a specifically dependent continuant that is a deliberate system of principles, rules and guidelines, adopted by an organisation to guide decision making with respect to particular situations and implemented to achieve stated goals.)
  • political assumption  + (A political assumption is an assumption about political measures taken.)
  • political party  + (A political party is an organisation of a group of people with common views or goals that wants to have influence in politics.)
  • population  + (A population is an aggregate of people in a spatial region.)
  • port  + (A port is a transport hub for ships.)
  • portion of matter  + (A portion of matter is an aggregate of material entities that have a state of matter.)
  • potential energy storage function  + (A potential energy storage function is an energy storage function with potential energy as input and output.)
  • potential  + (A potential is a maximum value that describes some upper limit in a spatial region of reference.)
  • power capacity  + (A power capacity is a maximum value of a generator or power generating unit to generate power.)
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