Search by property

This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Text"Text" is a predefined property that represents text of arbitrary length and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>." with value "Electron Microscope". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Research Organization  + (Eine Forschungsorganisation (z. B. ein wissenschaftliches Institut, ein Forschungsunternehmen).)
  • Intangible Item  + (Eine Gebrauchsklasse, die als Dach für eine Reihe von \"immateriellen\" Dingen wie Begriffe, Mengen, strukturierte Werte usw. dient.)
  • Organizational sub-unit  + (Eine Organisationseinheit, die ausdrücklich Teil einer größeren Organisationseinheit ist.)
  • User  + (Eine Person mit Nutzerkennung)
  • External person  + (Eine Person, die nicht von der Firma angestellt ist, die dieses LIMS hostet.)
  • City  + (Eine Stadt oder ein Ort, im Sinne einer Gemeinde)
  • Recipe  + (Eine Zubereitungsanleitung, z. B. für ein Gericht)
  • Wiki File  + (Eine direkt im Datei-Namensraum gespeicherte Datei)
  • Administrative Area  + (Eine geografische Region, die in der Regel unter die Zuständigkeit einer bestimmten Regierung fällt.)
  • Goverment Organization  + (Eine staatliche Organisation oder Behörde.)
  • Location  + (Eine Örtlichkeit. Entitaeten, die eine mehr oder weniger feste, physische Ausdehnung haben.)
  • Submitted Draft Application  + (Eingereichte Antragsskizze)
  • Submitted Full Proposal  + (Eingereichter Vollantrag)
  • Unit prefix  + (Einheitenpräfix)
  • Elastizitätsmodul  + (Elastizitätsmodul)
  • Electrical  + (Electrical)
  • electrical energy  + (Electrical energy is a form of energy derived from the potential or kinetic energy of charged particles.)
  • electrical energy share  + (Electrical energy share is a process attribute that indicates the fraction of electrical energy related to the total energy of an energy generation or consumption process.)
  • electrical energy transfer  + (Electrical energy transfer is an energy transfer of electrical energy.)
  • electricity demand  + (Electricity demand is the energy demand for electricity.)
  • electricity export  + (Electricity export is the export of electrical energy.)
  • electricity import  + (Electricity import is the import of electrical energy.)
  • electricity price  + (Electricity price is the monetary price per energy unit of electricity.)
  • Electrochemical Cycling Dataset  + (Electrochemical Cycling Dataset)
  • electrolytic hydrogen  + (Electrolytic hydrogen is hydrogen that is a physical output of a water electrolysis process.)
  • Electron Microscopy  + (Electron Microscopy)
  • Electrical  + (Elektrisch)
  • Electron Microscope  + (Elektronenmikroskop)
  • Electron Microscopy  + (Elektronenmikroskopie)
  • Characteristic  + (Elementarer Baustein für Objekt-Datenschema. Kann Attribute von anderen Charakteristiken erben und/oder eigene definieren. Attribute können als Werte sowohl Literale als auch komplexe Objekte haben die von anderen Charakteristiken beschrieben werden.)
  • Characteristic  + (Elementary building block for object data schemas. Can inherit properties from other Characteristcs and/or and define custom ones. Properties can have literal values or other complex values (objects) described by other Characteristics.)
  • Elliptical  + (Elliptical)
  • Elliptical  + (Elliptisch)
  • Elongation  + (Elongation)
  • emission certificate price  + (Emission certificate price is a monetary price of an emission certificate that allows the emission of a certain emission value.)
  • EmmoClass  + (EmmoClass)
  • End Time  + (End Time)
  • End-Breite  + (End-Breite)
  • End-Dicke  + (End-Dicke)
  • Diameter After Fracture  + (End-Probendurchmesser)
  • endogenous data  + (Endogenous data is a data item whose quantity value is determined by a model.)
  • End Time  + (Endzeit)
  • Energy Value Chain  + (Energy Value Chain)
  • energy conversion efficiency  + (Energy conversion efficiency is a process attribute describing the ratio between the input of an energy transformation and the outputs that are used.)
  • energy conversion performance  + (Energy conversion performance is a process attribute describing the ratio between the non-heat input of an energy transformation and the outputs that are used.)
  • energy demand  + (Energy demand is a demand for energy.)
  • energy  + (Energy is a quality of material entities which manifests as a capacity to perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules))
  • energy service demand for passenger-kilometre  + (Energy service demand for passenger-kilometre is the energy service demand that is consumed to transport one person over a distance of one kilometre.)
  • energy service demand for ton-kilometre  + (Energy service demand for ton-kilometre is the energy service demand that is consumed to transport one metric ton over a distance of one kilometre.)
  • energy transfer  + (Energy transfer is an energy transformation in form of a spatial transmission, that does not change the types of energies, apart from losses, e.g. waste heat.)