Datatables Test

Item:OSWa59c91666913493a81ecc3539746ba4a /
Datatables Test [OSWa59c91666913493a81ecc3539746ba4a]
ID OSWa59c91666913493a81ecc3539746ba4a
UUID a59c9166-6913-493a-81ec-c3539746ba4a
Label Datatables Test
Machine compatible name DatatablesTest
Statements (outgoing)
Statements (incoming)


Tests features of result format datatables

Type(s)/Category(s) Article
A Semantic Knowledge Platform for the Energy Value Chain

Template called with "Item:OSW9c0d136eb57b42d68ce1b798738ca3da"

A Semantic Knowledge Platform for the Energy Value Chain (en)This article has been written as a contribution to the 791. W.E. Heraeus Seminar: "The Physical, Chemical and Technological Aspects of the Fundamental Transition in Energy Supply from Fossil to Renewable Sources – Key Aspect: Energy Storage" (en)
AI writing test

Template called with "Item:OSW247383a332d8432db90c786c2363732f"

AI writing test (en)This entry is part of a series of AI-generated tests aiming to evaluate the capabilities in producing written content with minimal human intervention. (en)
About this platform

Template called with "Item:OSW8bccb1f0123f47d1831a1348ecbe63cc"

About this platform (en) 
Datatables Test

Template called with "Item:OSWa59c91666913493a81ecc3539746ba4a"

Datatables Test (en)Tests features of result format datatables (en)
Demo Article

Template called with "Item:OSWac34aa10f897463f966724d86eece3da"

Demo Article (en) 
Demo Article of Features

Template called with "Item:OSWdd7cba8e2d654adfb7d3cae73eba7fed"

Demo Article of Features (en) 
Energy Value Chain

Template called with "Item:OSWddb9851488cc4ead9a6995203dd30ce1"

Energy Value Chain (en)Shows transformation chains for energy (en)
Event in my garden

Template called with "Item:OSW0a3569df4d3d4e36948b1de0cb84e26c"

Event in my garden (en) 
Handlebars Templates

Template called with "Item:OSW6df03625b42e4b44bd9f2dfa77387887"

Handlebars Templates (en) 
How to create a new article

Template called with "Item:OSW52c2c5a6bbc84fcb8eab0fa69857e7dc"

How to create a new article (en), Wie man einen neuen Artikel erstellt (de)Describes how to use the visual editor to create text and multimedia content. Please note: This applies for all entity categories/classes, not only Article. (en), Beschreibt die Verwendung des visuellen Editors zur Erstellung von Text- und Multimedia-Inhalten. Hinweis: Diese Anleitung gilt für alle Entitätskategorien/Klassen, nicht nur für Artikel. (de)
Interactive Semantic Graph Tool 2 Test

Template called with "Item:OSW3ad64fa852494573b52cb8e087bfa13d"

Interactive Semantic Graph Tool 2 Test (en) 
JSON Application Tutorial

Template called with "Item:OSWee501c0fa6a9407d99c058b5ff9d55b4"

JSON Application Tutorial (en)Exhibits some applications of JSON and JSON Schema, focussing on the JSON Editor. (en)
JSON Tutorial

Template called with "Item:OSWf1df064239044b8fa3c968339fb93344"

JSON Tutorial (en)Covers basics about JSON-Documents (en)
JSON-LD Tutorial

Template called with "Item:OSW911488771ea449a6a34051f8213d7f2f"

JSON-LD Tutorial (en) 

Template called with "Item:OSWf4a9514baed04859a4c6c374a7312f10"

JSON-SCHEMA Tutorial (en) 
Lukas Test Article

Template called with "Item:OSW9138fe77d9d642a99a031296a0656df6"

Lukas Test Article (en) 
My Article about Sunflowers

Template called with "Item:OSW9cbf2bb7f8a4455da110bca055b76082"

My Article about Sunflowers (en)Sunflowers are yellow and great. (en)
My test

Template called with "Item:OSWad90fc6b9a0041b1ad89d86cdd2b19f6"

My test (en) 
OSW Introduction

Template called with "Item:OSWdb485a954a88465287b341d2897a84d6"

OSW Introduction (en) 

Template called with "A Semantic Knowledge Platform for the Energy Value Chain"

A Semantic Knowledge Platform for the Energy Value Chain (en)This article has been written as a contribution to the 791. W.E. Heraeus Seminar: "The Physical, Chemical and Technological Aspects of the Fundamental Transition in Energy Supply from Fossil to Renewable Sources – Key Aspect: Energy Storage" (en)

Template called with "AI writing test"

AI writing test (en)This entry is part of a series of AI-generated tests aiming to evaluate the capabilities in producing written content with minimal human intervention. (en)

Template called with "About this platform"

About this platform (en) 

Template called with "Datatables Test"

Datatables Test (en)Tests features of result format datatables (en)

Template called with "Demo Article"

Demo Article (en) 

Template called with "Demo Article of Features"

Demo Article of Features (en) 

Template called with "Energy Value Chain"

Energy Value Chain (en)Shows transformation chains for energy (en)

Template called with "Event in my garden"

Event in my garden (en) 

Template called with "Handlebars Templates"

Handlebars Templates (en) 

Template called with "How to create a new article"

How to create a new article (en), Wie man einen neuen Artikel erstellt (de)Describes how to use the visual editor to create text and multimedia content. Please note: This applies for all entity categories/classes, not only Article. (en), Beschreibt die Verwendung des visuellen Editors zur Erstellung von Text- und Multimedia-Inhalten. Hinweis: Diese Anleitung gilt für alle Entitätskategorien/Klassen, nicht nur für Artikel. (de)

Template called with "Interactive Semantic Graph Tool 2 Test"

Interactive Semantic Graph Tool 2 Test (en) 

Template called with "JSON Application Tutorial"

JSON Application Tutorial (en)Exhibits some applications of JSON and JSON Schema, focussing on the JSON Editor. (en)

Template called with "JSON Tutorial"

JSON Tutorial (en)Covers basics about JSON-Documents (en)

Template called with "JSON-LD Tutorial"

JSON-LD Tutorial (en) 

Template called with "JSON-SCHEMA Tutorial"

JSON-SCHEMA Tutorial (en) 

Template called with "Lukas Test Article"

Lukas Test Article (en) 

Template called with "My Article about Sunflowers"

My Article about Sunflowers (en)Sunflowers are yellow and great. (en)

Template called with "My test"

My test (en) 

Template called with "OSW Introduction"

OSW Introduction (en) 
Empty array
text"Datatables Test"
text"Tests features of result format datatables"