
Showing 20 pages using this property.
An imperial mass unit which is equivalent to 1.771,845,195,3125 grams, or 1/256 of 1 pound.  +
drachm  +
A due is an economic value that represents a payment that an agent makes to belong to an organisation.  +
due  +
An image resolution unit which is a standard measure of the amount of contrast available in a pixel.  +
dynamic range unit  +
dynamicrangeunit  +
A surface tension unit which is equal to one dyne per centimeter.  +
dyne per cm  +
dynepercm  +
An e-bike is a bicycle that is propelled by a person and an electric traction motor.  +
e-bike  +
ebike  +
An economic flow potential is a type of flow potential that identifies the proportion of the technological potential that can be utilised economically (based on economic boundary conditions).  +
economic flow potential  +
economicflowpotential  +
An economic life time is the operational life time during which an artificial object is profitable to the owner.  +
economic life time  +
economiclifetime  +
An economic scenario is a scenario that describes a possible future state of an economic system.  +