
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Original Gauge Length  +
anfangsmesslnge  +
originalgaugelength  +
Animal  +
animal  +
AnnotationProperty  +
To annotate classes and individuals  +
annotationproperty  +
An Annual Emission Allocation (AEA) is an emission certificate used in the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) and the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR). It permits the emission of a CO2 equivalent quantity of 1 tonne.  +
Annual Emission Allocation  +
annualemissionallocation  +
Arbeitsbereich  +
Working Range  +
arbeitsbereich  +
workingrange  +
Area usage type according to DIN 277  +
Flächennutzungsart nach DIN 277  +
areausagetypeaccordingtodin277  +
flchennutzungsartnachdin277  +
Area  +