
From OSL Demo
Showing 20 pages using this property.
myrecipeinstance  +
My test 1  +
mytest1  +
My test ontology  +
mytestontology  +
.. IsRelatedTo ..  +
My test  +
My test  +
isrelatedto  +
mytest  +
mytest  +
NC/BR sector division  +
The NC/BR sector division is a CRF-based sector division defined by the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on national communications for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. (, 6/CP.25, VI, Table 2)  +
ncbrsectordivision  +
NFDI MatWerk  +
nfdimatwerk  +
New Article Tile  +
newarticletile  +
.. IsA ..  +
New Term  +
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