urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_FileLocationCharacteristic | type | "string" |
format | "uri" |
options | infoText | "The path to the file" |
urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentEntity | options | infoText | "Entity encapsulating the details of a attachment for the battery" |
type | "object" |
properties | fileLocation | options | infoText | "Location of the file" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_FileLocationCharacteristic" |
title | options | infoText | "Title of the attached file" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Links the referenced attachments" |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_DocumentCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Set of documents containing the Xdescription of battery components" |
type | "object" |
properties | packagingInstructions | options | infoText | "Instructions for safely packaging batteries is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
transportationInstructions | options | infoText | "Instructions for safely transporting batteries is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
vehicleDismantlingProcedure | options | infoText | "Document containing the vehicle dismantling procedure is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
batteryDismantlingProcedure | options | infoText | "Document containing the battery dismantling procedure is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
safetyMeasures | options | infoText | "Safety measures document(s) is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
testReportsResults | options | infoText | "Results of test reports which prove that the battery fulfills this regulation and its delegated regulations is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
declarationOfConformity | options | infoText | "Declaration of conformity (CE) is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
responsibleSourcing | options | infoText | "Document/Certificates on organizations compliance to ethical business practices" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AttachmentLinkCharacteristic" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_WebsiteCharacteristic | type | "string" |
format | "uri" |
options | infoText | "Address of the website" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_PhoneNumberTrait | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Constraint to allow only numbers, whitespaces and an optional leading + sign." |
pattern | "^[+]?[0-9 ]+$" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_EMailTrait | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Regular expression for mail address as defined in W3C (see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#valid-e-mail-address)" |
pattern | "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_ContactCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Characteristic describing information on how to contact an organization" |
type | "object" |
properties | website | options | infoText | "Website of the contact." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_WebsiteCharacteristic" |
phoneNumber | options | infoText | "Phone number with country and area code" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_PhoneNumberTrait" |
email | options | infoText | "An email address" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_EMailTrait" |
faxNumber | options | infoText | "Fax number with country and area code" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_PhoneNumberTrait" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_ThoroughfareTechnicalKeyCharacteristic | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Characteristic of the technical key of a thoroughfare" |
enum | "STREET" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_Text | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_ThoroughfareEntity | options | infoText | "Characteristic for defining a thoroughfare which can consist of a type (e.g. "STREET"), value (e.g. "Bernstraße") and number (e.g. "45"). Model follows the specification of BPDM." |
type | "object" |
properties | technicalKey | options | infoText | "Technical key of a thoroughfare. As specified by BPDM, this can be a "STREET" or a different type." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_ThoroughfareTechnicalKeyCharacteristic" |
value | options | infoText | "Value of a thoroughfare, e.g. name of a street." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_Text" |
number | options | infoText | "Number of a thoroughfare. As used differently in international context, this number can contain both numerical and alphanumerical values" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_Text" |
required | "technicalKey" |
"value" |
"number" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_LocalityTechnicalKeyCharacteristic | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Characteristic of the technical key of a locality" |
enum | "BLOCK" |
"CITY" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_LocalityEntity | options | infoText | "Characteristic for defining a locality which belongs to an address and which consists of a type (e.g. "CITY") and value (e.g. "Mannheim"). Model follows the specification of BPDM." |
type | "object" |
properties | technicalKey | options | infoText | "Technical key of a locality" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_LocalityTechnicalKeyCharacteristic" |
value | options | infoText | "Value of a locality, e.g. name of a city ("Mannheim")." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_Text" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PremiseTechnicalKeyCharacteristic | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Characteristic of the technical key of a premise" |
enum | "BUILDING" |
"ROOM" |
"UNIT" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PremiseEntity | options | infoText | "Characteristic for defining a premise which consists of a technical key (e.g. "BUILDING" or "OTHER") and a value (e.g. "Werk 1")." |
type | "object" |
properties | technicalKey | options | infoText | "Technical key of a premise" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PremiseTechnicalKeyCharacteristic" |
value | options | infoText | "Value of a premise, e.g. name or designation of a particular site" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_Text" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalDeliveryPointTechnicalKeyCharacteristic | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Characteristic of the technical key of a postal delivery point" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalDeliveryPointEntity | options | infoText | "Characteristic for defining a postal delivery point which consists of a technical key (e.g. "MAILBOX" or "OTHER") and a value. Model follows the specification of BPDM." |
type | "object" |
properties | technicalKey | options | infoText | "Technical key of a postal delivery point" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalDeliveryPointTechnicalKeyCharacteristic" |
value | options | infoText | "Value of a postal delivery point, e.g. designation of a gate" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_Text" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_CountryTrait | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Regular expression for designation of a short name of a country as defined in ISO 3166-2" |
pattern | "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Z0-9]{1,3}|)" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_CountryEntity | options | infoText | "Characteristic of a country belonging to an address" |
type | "object" |
properties | shortName | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_CountryTrait" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostCodeTrait | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Regular expression for post codes" |
pattern | "^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\- ]{0,10}$" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostCodeTechnicalKeyCharacteristic | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "Characteristic for the technical key of a post code" |
enum | "CEDEX" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostCodeEntity | options | infoText | "Characteristic for defining a postcode which can consist of a type (e.g. "REGULAR" for zip codes) and a value (e.g. "68161\12"). Model follows the specification of BPDM." |
type | "object" |
properties | value | options | infoText | "The value of a post code" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostCodeTrait" |
technicalKey | options | infoText | "The technical key of a post code" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostCodeTechnicalKeyCharacteristic" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalAddress | options | infoText | "A characteristic to express the postal adress and which is intended to be referenced by other aspects" |
type | "object" |
properties | thoroughfare | options | infoText | "Street or thorough road name" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_ThoroughfareEntity" |
locality | options | infoText | "Locality belonging to an address" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_LocalityEntity" |
premise | options | infoText | "Premise of an address, e.g. a specific "BUILDING" but can also be used for naming a particular site" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PremiseEntity" |
postalDeliveryPoint | options | infoText | "Delivery point, e.g. designation of a gate" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalDeliveryPointEntity" |
country | options | infoText | "Country of an address" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_CountryEntity" |
postCode | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostCodeEntity" |
required | "thoroughfare" |
"locality" |
"country" |
"postCode" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ManufacturerCharacteristic | options | infoText | "A manufacturer of goods" |
type | "object" |
properties | name | options | infoText | "Name of the manufacturer is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
contact | options | infoText | "Contact details of the manufacturer" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_ContactCharacteristic" |
address | options | infoText | "An postal address" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalAddress" |
required | "name" |
"contact" |
"address" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Power capability in kilowatts" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerFadeCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The decrease over time and upon usage in the amount of power that a battery can deliver at the rated voltage is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryPowerCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Characteristic to describe the power (W) properties of the battery." |
type | "object" |
properties | maximumAllowedBatteryPower | options | infoText | "Maximum allowed battery power (W) of the battery is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerCharacteristic" |
powerFade | options | infoText | "Maximum allowed battery power (W) of the battery is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerFadeCharacteristic" |
powerCapabilityAt20Charge | options | infoText | "Power (capability) at 20% state of charge. Xdescription from the regulation is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerCharacteristic" |
powerCapabilityAt80Charge | options | infoText | "Power (capability) at 80% state of charge. Xdescription from the regulation is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerCharacteristic" |
originalPowerCapability | options | infoText | "Performance ability of the high voltage battery i.e. the amount of energy that a battery is capable to provide over a given period of time is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerCharacteristic" |
originalPowerCapabilityLimits | options | infoText | "Performance ability of the high voltage battery according to limits i.e. how much power it can provide within given limits is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PowerCharacteristic" |
required | "maximumAllowedBatteryPower" |
"powerFade" |
"powerCapabilityAt20Charge" |
"powerCapabilityAt80Charge" |
"originalPowerCapability" |
"originalPowerCapabilityLimits" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_VoltCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Value of the voltage the battery is rated for" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryVoltageCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Characteristic to describe the voltage (V) properties of the battery." |
type | "object" |
properties | minVoltage | options | infoText | "Value of the minimal voltage the battery is rated for is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_VoltCharacteristic" |
nominalVoltage | options | infoText | "Value of the nominal voltage the battery is rated for is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_VoltCharacteristic" |
maxVoltage | options | infoText | "Value of the maximum voltage the battery is rated for is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_VoltCharacteristic" |
required | "minVoltage" |
"nominalVoltage" |
"maxVoltage" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_RatedCapacityCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The total number of ampere-hours (Ah) that can be withdrawn from a fully charged battery under specific conditions is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CapacityFadeCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The decrease over time and upon usage in the amount of charge that a battery can deliver at the rated voltage, with respect to the original rated capacity declared by the manufacturer is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MilliohmCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The resistance offered by the cell in the flow of the current" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_OhmCharacterisitic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Total internal resistance in a battery pack" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PercentCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Increase in internal resistance of a battery pack over a period of time" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_InternalResistanceCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Internal resistance in a battery cell or pack is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "object" |
properties | cellInternalResistance | options | infoText | "The resistance offered by the cell in the flow of the current" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MilliohmCharacteristic" |
packInternalResistance | options | infoText | "Total internal resistance in a battery pack is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_OhmCharacterisitic" |
packInternalResistanceIncrease | options | infoText | "Increase in internal resistance of a battery pack over a period of time is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PercentCharacteristic" |
required | "cellInternalResistance" |
"packInternalResistance" |
"packInternalResistanceIncrease" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CapacityThresholdExhaustionCharacterisitic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Capacity threshold for exhaustion as percentage value is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Characteristic to describe the energy (Wh) properties of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_EnergyRoundtripEfficiency | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_EnergyRoundtripEfficiencyChangeCharacterisitic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage after 50% of life of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryEnergyCharacterisitc | options | infoText | "Characteristic to describe the energy (kWh) properties of the battery." |
type | "object" |
properties | maximumAllowedBatteryEnergy | options | infoText | "Maximum allowed battery energy (Wh) of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacteristic" |
energyRoundtripEfficiency | options | infoText | "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_EnergyRoundtripEfficiency" |
energyRoundtripEfficiencyChange | options | infoText | "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_EnergyRoundtripEfficiencyChangeCharacterisitic" |
required | "maximumAllowedBatteryEnergy" |
"energyRoundtripEfficiency" |
"energyRoundtripEfficiencyChange" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_RatioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacterisitic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Ratio between maximum allowed battery power (W) and battery energy (Wh) is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ElectrochemicalPropertiesCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Electrochemical characteristics to describe a battery" |
type | "object" |
properties | batteryPower | options | infoText | "Characteristic to describe the power (W) properties of the battery." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryPowerCharacteristic" |
batteryVoltage | options | infoText | "Voltage (V) of the battery." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryVoltageCharacteristic" |
ratedCapacity | options | infoText | "The total number of ampere-hours (Ah) that can be withdrawn from a fully charged battery under specific conditions is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_RatedCapacityCharacteristic" |
capacityFade | options | infoText | "The decrease over time and upon usage in the amount of charge that a battery can deliver at the rated voltage, with respect to the original rated capacity declared by the manufacturer is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CapacityFadeCharacteristic" |
internalResistance | options | infoText | "Internal resistance in a battery cell or pack is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_InternalResistanceCharacteristic" |
capacityThresholdExhaustion | options | infoText | "Capacity threshold for exhaustion as percentage value is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CapacityThresholdExhaustionCharacterisitic" |
batteryEnergy | options | infoText | "Characteristic to describe the energy (kWh) properties of the battery." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryEnergyCharacterisitc" |
ratioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergy | options | infoText | "Ratio between maximum allowed battery power (W) and battery energy (Wh) is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_RatioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacterisitic" |
required | "batteryPower" |
"batteryVoltage" |
"ratedCapacity" |
"capacityFade" |
"internalResistance" |
"capacityThresholdExhaustion" |
"batteryEnergy" |
"ratioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergy" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MillimetreCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "A measurment for the length/width/height of an item." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_KilogramCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "A measurement for the weight of an item." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_PhysicalDimensionsCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Geometrical properties of the battery" |
type | "object" |
properties | length | options | infoText | "Length of the item is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MillimetreCharacteristic" |
width | options | infoText | "Width of the item is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MillimetreCharacteristic" |
height | options | infoText | "Height of the item is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MillimetreCharacteristic" |
diameter | options | infoText | "Diameter of the item." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MillimetreCharacteristic" |
weight | options | infoText | "Weight of the item is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_KilogramCharacteristic" |
required | "length" |
"width" |
"height" |
"diameter" |
"weight" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_StateOfHealthCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Evidence/Certificate of the health evaluation of a battery for its use following repurposing or remanufacturing operations is describing a business requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_StateOfChargeCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The value of the state of charge of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme is describing a business requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_StateOfBatteryCharacteristic | options | infoText | "The condition of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme" |
type | "object" |
properties | stateOfHealth | options | infoText | "Evidence/Certificate of the health evaluation of a battery for its use following repurposing or remanufacturing operations is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_StateOfHealthCharacteristic" |
stateOfCharge | options | infoText | "The value of the state of charge of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_StateOfChargeCharacteristic" |
statusBattery | options | infoText | "Status of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement. Value list provided by the regulators." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
required | "stateOfHealth" |
"stateOfCharge" |
"statusBattery" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryIdentificationCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Information to identify a specific battery." |
type | "object" |
properties | batteryType | options | infoText | "Battery type as described by the contents of the battery e.g. cell chemistry is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
batteryModel | options | infoText | "Battery type as described by the contents of the battery e.g. cell chemistry is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
batteryIDDMCCode | options | infoText | "Digital Matrix Code (DMC) of the battery i.e. serial number allowing for unequivocal identification of a battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
required | "batteryType" |
"batteryModel" |
"batteryIDDMCCode" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_Datestamp | type | "string" |
format | "date" |
options | infoText | "Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ManufacturingCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Information about the manufacturing process of a battery" |
type | "object" |
properties | dateOfManufacturing | options | infoText | "Manufacturing date of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_Datestamp" |
address | options | infoText | "An postal address" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalAddress" |
required | "dateOfManufacturing" |
"address" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_materialPercentageMassFractionCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Percentage mass fraction of a material" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_GramCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Weight of the material (in gram)" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity | options | infoText | "Entity to bundle a material's name, weight and percentage of mass." |
type | "object" |
properties | materialPercentageMassFraction | options | infoText | "Percentage mass fraction of a material." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_materialPercentageMassFractionCharacteristic" |
materialWeight | options | infoText | "Weight of the material (in gram)" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_GramCharacteristic" |
materialName | options | infoText | "Name of the material" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
required | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CathodeActiveMaterialsCharacterisitic | options | infoText | "The total amount of valuable materials contained in CAM material: Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium." |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_RecyclateContentActiveMaterialsCharacteristic | options | infoText | "List of recovered Recyclate Content in Active Material Recycled is describing a regulatory requirement. The following materials have to be reported on as a minimium: Cobalt, Lithium, Nickel, Lead" |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AnodeActiveMaterialsCharacteristic | options | infoText | "The total amount of valuable materials contained in Anode: graphite" |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CathodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic | options | infoText | "The composition or materials contained in the Cathode is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AnodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic | options | infoText | "The composition or materials contained in the anode is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ElectrolyteCompositionCharacteristic | options | infoText | "List of materials contained in the electrolyte is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CellChemistryCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Information about the the cell chemistry of a battery cell" |
type | "object" |
properties | cathodeActiveMaterials | options | infoText | "The total amount of valuable materials contained in CAM material: Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CathodeActiveMaterialsCharacterisitic" |
recyclateContentActiveMaterials | options | infoText | "List of recovered Recyclate Content in Active Material Recycled is describing a regulatory requirement. The following materials have to be reported on as a minimium: Cobalt, Lithium, Nickel, Lead" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_RecyclateContentActiveMaterialsCharacteristic" |
anodeActiveMaterials | options | infoText | "The total amount of valuable materials contained in Anode: graphite" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AnodeActiveMaterialsCharacteristic" |
cathodeCompositionOther | options | infoText | "The composition or materials contained in the Cathode is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CathodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic" |
anodeCompositionOther | options | infoText | "The composition or materials contained in the anode is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_AnodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic" |
electrolyteComposition | options | infoText | "List of materials contained in the electrolyte is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ElectrolyteCompositionCharacteristic" |
required | "cathodeActiveMaterials" |
"recyclateContentActiveMaterials" |
"anodeActiveMaterials" |
"cathodeCompositionOther" |
"anodeCompositionOther" |
"electrolyteComposition" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsSupplierEntity | options | infoText | "Entity encapsulating the details of a components supplier" |
type | "object" |
properties | address | options | infoText | "An postal address" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic_1.0.1_PostalAddress" |
contact | options | infoText | "Contact details of the manufacturer" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.shared.contact_information_1.0.0_ContactCharacteristic" |
componentsSupplierName | options | infoText | "Name of the components supplier" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.openmanufacturing_characteristic_2.0.0_Text" |
required | "address" |
"contact" |
"componentsSupplierName" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsSupplierCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Contact details of the suppliers of replacement parts / spare parts is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsSupplierEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsPartNumberList | options | infoText | "A list of the unique serial numbers of the different parts of a battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "array" |
items | |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Characteristics of the battery's comoponents." |
type | "object" |
properties | componentsSupplier | options | infoText | "Contact details of the suppliers of replacement parts / spare parts is describing a regulatory requirement. Available fields should be like:
Name - Street - Number - ZIP Code - City - State - Country - Phone - Fax - Email - Website" |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsSupplierCharacteristic" |
componentsPartNumber | options | infoText | "The unique serial numbers of the different parts of a battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsPartNumberList" |
required | "componentsSupplier" |
"componentsPartNumber" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CompositionOfBatteryCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Full composition of battery is describing a business requirement." |
type | "array" |
items | $ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity" |
uniqueItems | true |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CriticalRawMaterialsCharacteristic | type | "string" |
options | infoText | "List of critical raw materials (CRM) as specified by EU in a battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CompositionCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Information about the composition of a battery and the combination of materials is describing a business requirement." |
type | "object" |
properties | components | options | infoText | "Properties of the battery's comoponents." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ComponentsCharacteristic" |
compositionOfBattery | options | infoText | "Full composition of battery is describing a business requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CompositionOfBatteryCharacteristic" |
criticalRawMaterials | options | infoText | "List of critical raw materials (CRM) as specified by EU in a battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CriticalRawMaterialsCharacteristic" |
required | "components" |
"compositionOfBattery" |
"criticalRawMaterials" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CO2FootprintTotalCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The total carbon footprint of the battery, calculated as kg of carbon dioxide equivalent is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "The lower range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_TemperatureRangeIdleStateCharacterisitic | options | infoText | "The range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement." |
type | "object" |
properties | temperatureRangeIdleStateLowerLimit | options | infoText | "The lower range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic" |
temperatureRangeIdleStateUpperLimit | options | infoText | "The upper range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic" |
required | "temperatureRangeIdleStateLowerLimit" |
"temperatureRangeIdleStateUpperLimit" |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_WarrantyPeriodCharacterisitic | type | "number" |
minimum | 1 |
options | infoText | "Commercial warranty period of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CycleLifeTestCRateCharacterisitc | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "C-rate of Relevant Cycle-life Test is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CycleLifeTestDepthOfDischargeCharacteristic | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Depth of discharge in the cycle-life test is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ExpectedLifetime | type | "number" |
options | infoText | "Expected battery lifetime expressed in cycles, and reference test used is describing a regulatory requirement." |
urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_BatteryCycleLifeCharacteristic | options | infoText | "Characteristic describing the cycle life of a battery" |
type | "object" |
properties | cycleLifeTestCRate | options | infoText | "C-rate of Relevant Cycle-life Test is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CycleLifeTestCRateCharacterisitc" |
cycleLifeTestDepthOfDischarge | options | infoText | "Depth of discharge in the cycle-life test is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_CycleLifeTestDepthOfDischargeCharacteristic" |
expectedLifetime | options | infoText | "Expected battery lifetime expressed in cycles, and reference test used is describing a regulatory requirement." |
$ref | "#/components/schemas/urn_bamm_io.catenax.battery.battery_pass_3.0.1_ExpectedLifetime" |
required | "cycleLifeTestCRate" |
"cycleLifeTestDepthOfDischarge" |
"expectedLifetime" |