
Showing 20 pages using this property.
dummy  +
EL++ ontology module  +
elontologymodule  +
Contains notes and data about experiments  +
ELN Entry  +
Enthält Notizen und Daten über Experimente  +
Laborbucheintrag  +
elnentry  +
laborbucheintrag  +
An EU Allowance (EUA) is an emission certificate used in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). It permits the emission of a CO2 equivalent quantity of 1 tonne.  +
EU allowance  +
euallowance  +
An EU emission sector division is used in the EU climate policy.  +
EU emission sector division  +
euemissionsectordivision  +
An EU legislation sector division is a sector division that is used in EU legislation.  +
EU legislation sector division  +
eulegislationsectordivision  +
Ecoinvent Elementary Exchange  +
ecoinventelementaryexchange  +