"Text" is a predefined property that represents text of arbitrary length and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. This property is pre-deployed (also known as special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.
A forecast error is a quantity value that quantifies the difference between a measured and a forecasted value. +
forecast error +
forecasterror +
A forecast is an information content entity that contains statements about the most probable future development predicted with the help of past and present data. +
1000 formazin turbidity units (FNU) on the empirical formazin turbidity scale represents reflectance of insol. reaction products of 0.0725 g hydrazine sulfate with 0.7250 g hexamethylenetetramine diluted to 1 L. +
formazin nephelometric unit +
formazinnephelometricunit +
A fossil combustion fuel is a combustion fuel with the origin fossil. +
fossil combustion fuel +
fossilcombustionfuel +
Diesel fuel is gas diesel oil used on-road for diesel compression ignition (cars, trucks, etc.), usually of low sulphur content. +
fossil diesel fuel +
fossildieselfuel +
Fossil energy is chemical energy that is stored in fossil combustion fuels and thus has a conventional origin. +
fossil energy +
fossilenergy +
Fossil hydrogen is hydrogen with fossil origin. +
fossil hydrogen +
fossilhydrogen +