
Showing 20 pages using this property.
combinedheatandpowergeneratingunit  +
A combined heat and power generation (CHP) process is an energy transformation that converts energy simultaneously to electrical energy and thermal energy.  +
combined heat and power generation process  +
combinedheatandpowergenerationprocess  +
A combined heat and power plant (CHPP) is an energy transformation unit that consists of combined heat and power generating units, a grid component feeding electric energy into an electricity grid, and a grid component feeding thermal energy into a heating grid.  +
combined heat and power plant  +
combinedheatandpowerplant  +
A combustible energy carrier is an energy carrier that releases energy from a material entity in form of heat or work, by chemical reaction with other substances.  +
combustible energy carrier disposition  +
combustibleenergycarrierdisposition  +
Combustion fuel transport is the fuel transport of combustion fuels.  +
combustion fuel transport  +
combustionfueltransport  +
A combustion fuel is a fuel that realises its fuel role in processes that release energy in the form of heat or work by chemical reaction with other substances.  +
combustion fuel  +
combustionfuel  +
A combustion thermal energy transformation is an energy transformation that converts chemical energy of a combustion fuel into thermal energy.  +
combustion thermal energy transformation  +
combustionthermalenergytransformation  +
Combustion is an exothermic redox reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant (usually atmospheric oxygen) which is initiated by a ignition source.  +