
Showing 20 pages using this property.
version  +
The volume of a solid object is the three-dimensional concept of how much space it occupies, often quantified numerically. One-dimensional figures (such as lines) and two-dimensional shapes (such as squares) are assigned zero volume in the three-dimensional space.  +
Volume  +
Volumen  +
volume  +
volumen  +
Currency value per volume  +
Geldwert pro Volumen  +
Volumenbezogener Geldwert  +
VolumetricMonetaryValue  +
volumenbezogenergeldwert  +
volumetricmonetaryvalue  +
Hauptachsendurchmesser  +
Major axis diameter  +
hauptachsendurchmesser  +
majoraxisdiameter  +
Heat Capacity  +